"Billies Babe & Choreographer"
After graduating from The Academy theatre school, Sherryn went on to
teach singing and street dance at Starstruck Stage school for serveral
years between professional contracts with P&O cruise lines, Thompson
Gold, Solomons Productions, Live Business, Matthew Jones Orchestra,
ITV, Volupté Burlesque and various other cabaret venues.
Previous choreography credits include the Chart Tribute Show (National Tour),
Get Down Tonight (National Tour), Mermory Lane (Regional Tour) and icandi
street dance troup.
After playing Ronnette in City Theatre Company’s previous production of Little
Shop of Horrors, Sherryn is thrilled to be working on this very exciting production
and would like to thank all “Billie’s Babes” for enduring such high energy rehearsals
with smiling faces!